ORNL Building Outlines – Hawaii
Oak Ridge National Labs derived building outlines for the main island of Hawaii in response to Hurricane Lane.
Data Sources
These structures are based on imagery with date ranges from 6/2009 to 1/2018. (60,221 of 66,554 records are from imagery later than 2015). See the IM_DATE field for exact dates.
The OCCUPANTY_TYPE field has been set to 7 (Residential) or 9 (Unknown). The determination was based on retrieving parcel data from http://geoportal.hawaii.gov/datasets/parcels-hawaii-county , aggregating the parcel data to anything that could be residential based on the associated parcel metadata, and overlaying with the output. The occupancy type could have been further refined, but in the interests of time in rapid response to a disaster, providers took the shortest path.
Access & Use Information
Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.
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