
The Model & Data Inventory (MoDI) is an inventory of datasets and models used by emergency management. The inventory was based on a federal interagency effort led by FEMA and the Modeling and Data Working Group (MDWG). The MDWG was appointed by the Emergency Support Function Leadership Group (ESFLG) to identify and characterize the models used to support operational decision making in the context of emergency management.


The inventory was built on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the data and models used to support emergency management decision making for floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, biological scenarios, and nuclear detonation scenarios. When the inventory is filtered by one of these hazards, the result is a comprehensive list of models and datasets used for that hazard.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.

Downloads & Resources

Web Page


Modeling & Data Working Group (MDWG)

