Geospatial damage assessments were produced for certain impacted areas of Hurricane Maria using NOAA Imagery and Modeled Preliminary Observation Depth Grids.
Data Sources & Methodology
Visual Damage Assessments
Puerto Rico and St. Croix visual imagery assessments were completed using NOAA imagery.
Modeled Damage Assessments
Puerto Rico: Depth grids used for modeled damage assessments include both inland riverine flooding and surge. These data are preliminary and expected to be modified. For Puerto Rico, there is a high degree of uncertainty in the destroyed category. Several municipios had extremely high destroyed structure counts which need to be reviewed further. Puerto Rico experienced both surge and riverine flooding. Surge flooding happens initially and then some areas that were impacted by surge may experience worsened flooding once the rivers peak and the water flows downstream. For the geospatial damage assessments, the higher damage category was used for the structure damage level. The source of the structure data in the analysis was building footprints that do not have an occupancy type (e.g., residential/non-residential/government/public/<wbr>manufactured home).
St. Croix: Contains the surge impacts. The wind impacts are located in the visual imagery assessments.
Access & Use Information
Public: This dataset was intended for public access and use.
Downloads & Resources
Map Service
Feature Service
Visual Damage Assessments Download
Modeled Damage Assessments Download