
Web service updating every 6 hours with the latest active fire perimeter from GeoMAC. Enriched with CoreLogic residential parcel counts and census demographics.

Parcel data is processed before aggregation up to the active fire extents in order to best represent structure count using the following steps:

  • Residential parcels only (no commercial, agricultural, vacant, industrial parcels)
  • Water mask to remove parcels within open water (lakes, oceans, rivers)
  • Duplicate APN’s (Assessor’s Parcel Number) are removed. Sometimes there can be duplicate parcels over a single lot or structure with the same APN number, which skews the exposure count if not taken into account in processing.

Data Sources

GeoMAC Wildfire Active Perimeters

CoreLogic National Parcel Dataset

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.

Downloads & Resources

Map Service

Feature Service


